Monday, January 01, 2007

Saying Good Bye

Last night my wife and I went to the church to celebrate the new year with some of our church family. There was not a large turn out, maybe 40 people. We arrived early enough to help set up and taste some of the food that was prepared. We did not take much because we figured there would be more people, so we ended up eating (and taking home) more than we brought.

The night was low key and that really is not a bad thing. The plan was to get together, let the kids run and have fun, eating when they wanted. The adults were going to play board games and fellowship, "grazing" on the goody table as they needed. Some of us took down Christmas decorations and laughed/joked while others sat and fellowshipped with others. Once a large part of the decorations were taken down, I meandered over to the Scrabble table and began playing. I played two games, winning one. We had a couple of good people playing and after watching the strategy of the first game, I knew how to play the second.

During the second game, our solider called from Kuwait to wish us a happy New Year. It was very good to hear from him I chatted with him for while and then passed the phone to one of his buddies who was at the church last night. After that, I talked to him a little more and passed the phone to my wife so she could chat with him. She talked to him until his phone died. My wife filled me in on the conversation when my Scrabble game was over. That was my second call of the night, the first being Block, my friend from WV that I went to high school with. He was calling to with me a happy New Year as well. Very nice of him.

After two games, I went to help my wife clean up. It was not fair to leave all the clean up to the last ones there, so we washed dishes and took out trash. We finished what we wanted to accomplish at just a few minutes before midnight and then rang in the new year with defective noise makers and lots of laughing. After a brief round of good byes, we headed 4 miles west to our house.

We got home and my wife let out the dogs and we put away the food we brought home ( a couple of boxes of cookies...they will go to work tomorrow). After brushing our teeth and saying a quick prayer (silently...I was too tired to be vocal at 13:30 AM) we drifted off to sleep, not waking until my alarm chirped at its normal (5 AM) week day time. It was quickly silenced and 2 more hours of sleep were had.

I got up feeling very good. The new mattress (with the extra 3 inches of memory foam) was great on my back. I woke without any pain and only a little stiffness. It was a joy to actually be able to walk BOTH dogs this morning.

No real plans for me today. The house is done (at leas as much as I need to do) and the laundry is mostly caught up although my wife may decided to do more later. I have a few dishes to do and I could go out shopping for a few things that we need, but that is only maybe. I do not really want to be out in any more crowds!

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