Thursday, January 25, 2007

Long Cold Winter and Locked Down

Weather can simply amaze us. Texas (the north central part) had the driest season it had seen in a long time last year and the new year has started with a large amount of rain and ice. We are looking at more rain yet again on Saturday. The nights have been cold the and the days not much warmer but it is getting better. Make no mistake...we have it easy here compared to other places, but it is not something the locals like. Heck if this was normal, we would own winter coats and rain gear. I have been wearing my fall/spring weight outerwear for years here with a sweatshirt underneath and have been mostly comfortable, most of the time. owning a winter coat to use a couple weeks of the year seems like such a waste.

I got home from a rather dull day at work, even though it could have been much busier. I took care of the dogs since my wife was at aerobics and after that was finished I started on the bills. We are doing ok, but we are pretty much out of bonus money, give or take $500 which we will need for our vacation. Extra money needs to be made to keep us from the "paycheck to paycheck" rut so many of us are in.

We made it to care group last night and after a brief time of eating and fellowship, they announced we are merging the groups back together. At one point, the group got so large that we had to split...the group was up to 20 people and that is a lot for the average house to hold. That made splitting up the group wise as well as the fact there was a minor power struggle between the current two leaders. I like them both but they each have a style that is unique and I think (I do not know this as fact) that they grate on each other a bit. Merging back may be a bit stressful, but considering that one group is a little stronger in their walk than the other, it could benefit us all.

The group broke up about 9:45 and my wife and I drove home to take care of the dogs. Little Man was ready to go do his thing...we did not get very far before he let'er rip and we were able to finish early...I was in bed by 10:15.

I wokr up just seconds before the alarm went off and I was alert, but still a bit tired. A brief walk with Little Man produced the desired results and allowed us to return home to get coffee (for me) and food and meds (for the dog). While the coffee was brewing and the dog was eating, I grabbed the sandbox laptop to check mail and news. Not finding anything thing important, I drank my coffee and packed my lunch (which was unnecessary because we are having lunch catered to the office today...the first time in months we have done this). The next minutes were spent reading my daily bible verses and showering. I guess the shower made enough noise to gently wake my bride because she had her laptop up and running as well as eating her cereal by the time I made it to the kitchen to get my breakfast.

We chatted news and current events while I ate and after she showed me a power point presentation (viewed in Open Office Presenter, of course) of a narrow mountain road in Latin America, I brushed my teeth, packed my truck, said good bye to my wife and hit the road. I just started the truck when my BiC called (the one with the new job...JG. JG was talking about work but mentioned nothing about his marital issues, so things must be looking up.

I got to work and saw a TON of open high severity issues, but few affected me so I did not worry much. The list just looks large :)

The other day the security officer at my site told me he wanted us to use laptop locks on our machines while we are in the office as well as outside the office. I told him that would be difficult because my desk does no have the security holes to run the cable. I have one of the nicer looking desks that were used by mgmt before we took over and they do not have the holes in them like the run down desks the employees use. The SecMgr told me to have holes drilled into the desk (!) and attach the cable. I jokingly asked him if I should call facilities or just bring in my 24 volt cordless and do it myself and he looked at me and told me to do it myself in the interest of time. I thought he was kidding but he asked me the next day if I had done it yet and when I told him no, he replied to me, "Please get it done as soon as possible...bring in your own drill if you have to." Knowing the speed and thoroughness of the facilities people, I decided to do it myself. Now I have a very secure laptop in a secure office in a badged entry building with a security guard. I feel so safe...and so does my laptop.

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