Thursday, January 11, 2007

Changes, Time Is Makin' Changes...

Care group went well last night but we were short a lot of people, including my wife. My wife was feeling very down over an issue at the vet that afternoon. Our oldest dog bit the vet. Now our dog is not friendly, but he usually gives warning before he bites...this time he did not. Fortunately he did not break skin, he only bruised her. The old dog has been acting pretty erratic lately and my wife is unable to take it any more. I cannot say I blame her. I love the dog, but if he is unpredictable, I do not want to take the risk of him actually hurting someone and us getting sued. Our options are pretty limited and I am sure you guess what they are.

I got back from care group and was feeling pretty good, albeit a bit tired. I went to bed by 10:30 and felt really good when I got up at 5 alarm needed. Little man was ready to walk and we made a quick trip around the block so he could do his business.

We got back to the house and my wife was just getting ready to go out with the Golden. That dog has been putting on the pounds because she refuses to walk much. I guess her hips and knees (the Golden's that is) are not up to the stress of a long walk, especially when the weather is bad.

I tried to get Little Man to eat, but he did not want to...he just stood and stared at me. Then after I gave up trying to get him to eat, he walked down the hall and stared into the darkened bathroom. He has been doing a lot of weird things lated and his health is not as good as it should be. He is losing his coat, he gets hot spots all the time, and he itches/scratches and gets infections very easily. The vet thinks he may have thyroid issues and ordered a battery of tests. Speaking of the vet, the bill for both dogs (yearly check-up, shots, and meds for little man was almost $300. Well, at least the bonus is being used for things we need.

I completed my morning routine and then went in the office to set up my laptop. I had a confcall at 7 AM and I like to take them at home. Once I got set up all I had to do was wait for the call to start and then go to work once it was over.

The call ran long, so I figured I would do all I had to do from home and go in late morning/early afternoon. That plan got shot down when the R&D account manager sent me an e-mail stating that an issue needed to be escalated. I rushed to work to get the required info, but the manager, who asked me to get with him before this was started, was on the phone. I kept checking in on him and he was on the phone until 2:30. After that, he disappeared. I am not sure if he went to get food or not.

As I was getting ready to leave for work, my BiC called and wanted to give me an update on his situation. I listened until I got to work then I had to let him go so I could get some work done. He is a nice guy, but he needs to understand that I have a job to do.

During my meeting, I was informed that 3 of the 5 managers will be leaving by June. That was not good news considering I am new and still a bit green regarding this job. At least one of them will be leaving within 30 days, another may leave within 60. Changes are a coming...I do not know if this is a good thing or not. It would appear not, but I have been wrong before.

I hear the R&D Account Mgr...I guess he just stepped out for moment. I better catch him before he gets back on the phone.

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