Thursday, January 18, 2007

Back On The Chain Gang

Well, I am back in the office today...the real office 15 miles from home. Working from home was nice, but it has some drawbacks. My wife really cannot do things like she wants when I am home because she does not want to disturb it is almost a wasted day for her. She managed to do a little, but not near as much as she would have liked.

After my "shift" was over, I washed dishes, bed the dogs, grabbed a little to eat (just a snack..we had care groupsat 7 PM), and took the dogs out to 'do their thing' while my wife ran an errand or three and went to go work out at the fitness center. When she got home she cleaned up and we headed to care group.

We had a light showing (I guess the weather) but it was nice to have an intimate evening with friends. We are going over a new series concerning balance and margins in our life. The first chapter was good...I am looking forward to more. We ate a quick dinner of brisket, sausage, and turkey (all from Dickey's BBQ Pit), sweet potatoes, mixed veggies, bread, drinks, and brownies for dessert. I left the house fat and happy :)

I got home and walked little man so he could get his evening exercise (well, I benefited as well), then I got ready for bed to get a few hours sleep.

I woke up a bit stiff, but not sore. I waited to see if my back would loosed on its own before I took any Aleve. My wife was not overly chipper this morning. She did not get up at 6:00 AM when her alarm went off and requested that she get another hour sleep. I let her because she needed it and because she does not have to be at work until 10:00 and then that is flexible.

I was happy to see the roads clear. The air is still near freezing, but it is expected to warm up 10+ degrees during the day...maybe more, but it will cool back down tonight. The real cold weather is gone as far as the weather forecast goes. I would not mind as much if the wind was not blowing all the time.

So far the day has been light, but we all know that can change. Most of the customer issues are WAN based and those are managed by the customer...not us. We just watch and monitor those. There are a lot of little issues open around the world, but they are local and I am not responsible for them. I have to get involved on Global issue or America's issues. All of the current ones are local Euro or Asian issues. w00t!

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