Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Show Me The Money!

The first week of 2007 has been...interesting. I recently updated my resume and posted it on a couple of job boards to see if I would get any interest. Llike most new postings, I have received a few. Most of the ire I have regarding these responses can be shared by others (Dakboy and Hasufin)who are passively looking for opportunities. This ire I speak of includes recruiters who do not look at the city on a resume, only the state (READ: Job posting sent to me for jobs in San Antonio or Houston, both of which are 5 hours away from my current location), Contract jobs paying less than my current job, sales positions (I am in IT), and jobs that I am in no way, shape, or form qualified for (Do you see PhD on my resume??). Sheesh.

Every now and then I get a refreshing e-mail or two that make me stop and say, "Wow, I have not seen that before." Case in point was a job posting...well, you read it:

Dear El,
I recently viewed your online resume and feel you may be qualified to be an Editor with www.Some_Web_Rag.org. www.Some_Web_Rag.org is launching the world's fastest growing news organization. The power of the Internet is allowing www.Some_Web_Rag.org to launch a worldwide news network, focusing on news reported by local reporters in over 1,000 cities worldwide.

We are seeking Editors in your local market to manage a team of Reporters. [Blah, Blah, Blah]


I have never been sent anything like that before. I have to give them props for originality. I almost replied just because I was so impressed.

I also received one for a job that sounded eerily familiar to one that I had seen before and after digging a bit, I found out that the job is the same one a colleague of mine accepted and quit (within months) with not one, but TWO huge IT firms. It seems that for the money they were offering (10% more than I am making now) they want a slave. Now if this was during business hours only, I would not mind, but this is 24x7 job without a real backup...similar to what I have now only way more intense. No thanx.

Speaking of jobs, a long time friend of mine (we have been friends for over 20 years) is moving to Tennessee in a few weeks. This is a big step for him, but I think it will do him good. He needs a challenge that this move will provide him with. Now if only his car will hold out...keep him in prayer.

1 comment:

rycherox said...

I recently got a call from a rep at jobfinder.com trying to sell me (i.e. my place of employment) their service. I told them we advertised primarily on the local level for limited periods during the year. It's on an as-needed basis. She sounded nice, so I let her offer the sales yadda yadda yadda and email me their rates. Thanks but no thanks.