Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Piece Of Me / Coming Under Fire / It Sure Doesn't Feel That Warm

Today was a repeat in many ways of yesterday in regard to business. There was some closure from the previous day, one carry over, and one new issue. It was enough to keep me hopping from the start of my shift until lunch.

I was pleased to hear that one of the issues (the one that did not follow the process) was closed. I figured that it would, but with our TPS (Third Party Supplier) we never take anything for granted. The issue that was a carry over from the day before frustrated me because the more I evaluated the data that was sent to me, the less it looked like it needed escalated. it honestly appears that the application architect/support person needs to contact the local customer (3500 miles away) and tell them how to tweak the app settings some. However, this is not happening and the people involved keep bouncing the ticket and that is how I got it. The customer got frustrated and asked to have the issue escalated. That means I get brought in. I asked for the customer to give me new info, but I never received it, so I had a meeting with the LAN guys and the Change Mgr from the affected area. He says while the logs show the app is slow, the customers do not share that opinion. Could his report be mistaken? Is it set in an overly sensitive manner? I will let the local team figure that out. I just hand out the assignments :)

The new issue happened while I was trying to tie up some loose ends on the previous issue. One of the Incident Mgrs in Europe called me up and asked me for some advice, then he wanted me to call the customer to relay some info. Normally I do not call the end using customer...I normally get to chat with Mgmt, but in this case it was not the person, it was the timing. Besides, the issue was going to have to wait until morning Having me call someone in Europe after hours to tell them what needs done (but can't because of security policies in place) is just silly. Call them first thing in the morning. Why does Europe wait until after business hours to ask for something to be escalated when they knew about this...DAYS AGO. Everyone's issue is important...the most important issue I should be dealing with. Well folks, take a number...I gots only two ears and I am trying tio concentrate on 3 conversations.

My wife called during the tail end of the mess and wanted my advice on something, so I delayed lunch so we could chat. Guys, if you are not already ware of this, keep in mind that your wife is important. If she needs to talk and you can make time to do so, do it. Do not risk your job, but if she needs to talk, take a break and do so.

Our son e-mailed us last night telling us that he made it back to base from Kuwait City. He took some good (and some not so good) pictures that made me laugh a couple of times. He stated that after they got back someone lobbed 2 mortars into his camp aiming for communications and weapons. They knocked out power for nine hours but he is okay. Obviously someone knows what they are doing. I continue to pray for his safety.

I took a walk around the block during the last part of my lunch. The weather says it is 46 degrees, but I sure feels colder than that to me. I realize that I had a shor tsleeve shirt on under my jacket (which to most people is a fall or spring jacket) and that I had just consumed a 20 oz cold Sobe bottled beverage, but I had trouble focusing on walking with the wind blowing in my face. The air temp may have been 46, but it fells a lot colder than that ...heh just I thought. The wind chill is 37 degrees.

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