Monday, January 29, 2007

Not Going Anywhere For A While...? and All At Once

Install Foresight Linux on a 650 mhz laptop. that should kill about 3 hours just in install time alone. Not kidding folks, the Fedora offshoot with its own package manager uses an older version of Anaconda and the install, while not painful, is sloooooooooooooooow. I made it to bed at 11:30 when I started this before 9 PM.

I got up and turned it one (the first boot after installation) and it looked nice and had the newest versions of many tools, but several of them were eye candy that my sandbox just could not handle. FL also did not detect my wireless card and there was not an easy way to get it running (there is an open source project on it but I wanted something a bit more user friendly). It has some unique things about it that might make it nice as a desk top OS but since I am looking for a laptop OS, I am going to try just one more before I go back to Mepis...OpenSuSE. It is five CD's, but I am sure it will be faster than FL was!

The last couple of weeks have been pretty slow at work...not as much going on as I thought. There have been some very quiet times during the day that are a little eerie. However, that changed today with the arrival of TWO escalations for me to handle. While they are not formal ones, they will give me the chance to do something.

The first one has to do with app performance/WAN performance between Brazil and Sweden. The Swedes are running tools in Brazil that until November were running fine. Now the apps are not performing as well and the Swede's think that the change that occurred in Novemeber is the cause. The WAN team (not under our jurisdiction ) states (emphatically) thatthere is nothing wrong with th WAN, so I have started an inquiry in Brazil regarding the suspected changes. I hope to know more soon.

The second one was kinda funny because it did not have a process to be followed. A third party vendor has received a ticket to perform a change to one of the systems they administer to correct an issue our customer is having. The change has not been completed yet and year end is coming up. Well there is no process governing things like this so I was called to get things moving. Always quick on my feet (or seat, depending on the situation) I called the Inc Mgmt team and opened a high severity ticket on the issue. While it is not the way that things would normally work, this will have to do until we get a formalized process in place agreed upon my our customer. The good thing about this is that the customer knows this is going on between the third party and us so they are not too upset...but they are a little disappointed with the TPV.

All I have to do now is to monitor the high sev ticket to make sure that the issue gets resolved.

S it was a fun morning ...and i forgot to add that our site did not have any network connectivity this morning when the first issue came through. Now THAT was fun!

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