Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Small And Tasteless / I Just Want It To Work / Dog Update

I beat my wife home by about 45 minutes yesterday so I fed the dogs, let them out to do their thing, and washed/dried/put away the dishes. I had just finished when she pulled in. Go me! I had to take care of a few personal things and while I was doing that my wife threw her leftover dinner (brisket, mac and cheese, string beans) in the microwave. There was nothing prepared and I did not want a frozen dinner (I would be having that for lunch the next day), so I did the unthinkable...I went to McDonald's. Now, I hardly ever go to McDonald's...I have to look at the menu every time I go in (which is about 2 times a year) just to see what each thing is called. Well last night I ordered a "Big and Tasty" which was small and tasteless. It was OK, but after eating Scotty P's burgers, fast food sucks.

I got home and walked little man and then went in to do some work on the PC (I had to scan my son's w2 and e-mail it to him in Kuwait) and waited until Law and Order cam one. When it came time to watch LaO, it was a repeat...actually both episodes last night were repeats...that meant I was free to go experiment on a few things on the Linux box. The first thing I did was watch a episode of Battlestar Galactica on . I did not know they were putting episodes on the web free (in flash format) and I was able to catch an episode I missed. Go Me!

After that was over, I worked on getting VNC to work from my Windows Box to my Linux box. I can already do the opposite of that, but I was having trouble with Win to Linux. Every time I tried to connect, I would connect but I got a blank desk top. I tried all manner of things I had found on the web and some got me closer than others, but none gave me the active desktop that was already up and running. After playing with that for 2 hours or so, I gave up and went to bed. I just want it to work. I have no problems using it Win to Win, or Lin to Win, but not Lin to Win (I have not tried Lin to Lin yet).

I got up and felt pretty good and was able to get ready for work in good time. My wife who came to bed after me and got up about the same time, was kinda grouchy (but I still love her) and was worried she had too much to do and not enough time to do it. I tried to help as much as I could (recyled items, garbage, dishes, feed walk and water the dogs, etc) but she really need to get more sleep.

Work was not too bad this morning and I have still not received any info from the person complaining about the service in Brazil to Sweden. I have a team looking into it from a high level, but without specifics we are flying blind.

We received a notice a few months ago about 3 pieces of training we needed to complete by jan 31 and I had forgotten about it. Well I was reminded last night to do it and I did it this morning. I will be fine for another quarter...that is when the next batch is due.

It is currnently snowing ever so lightly outside, alternating from big to little flakes...but none of it sticking.

My wife just called to remind me that we have small groups tonight and I am to make my special mashed potatoes and also to tell me that the visit with the vet went well. The golden has been limping but thankfully it is not serious. It looks like a strain from over compensating for her bad hip. She will be on limited mobility for 2-3 weeks and on anti-inflammatory meds for a while.

I released the second installment of my "Chronicles" the other day but none of the gang commented...I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. My aim was not menevolent so I hope it was not perceived that way...I was just reminiscing....


rycherox said...

It's not a good or bad thing, just a thing :-) I read the latest entry, but work and the home front's kept me busy. I'll reply ASAP. I should have some brain cells restored by then to maybe provide some additional details. For starters, I'm pretty sure my video game of choice was Centipede!

Enos Straitt said...

I know this sounds odd, but I remember you playing asteroids because you commented that you did not particularly like it and gave it a rather titillating parody name.