Friday, January 05, 2007

Disappering Posts

If you check here frequently, you may have noticed a couple of my last posts have vanished and that one of my posts has gotten a bit longer. I decided to edit the long post (by adding some of the content of the others) and delete the some of the the others. I did this for a couple of reasons:

1) It looked like a rant, and it really was not...really. I was telling of my experiences and venting at the same time.
2) I was not being very nice to my BiC. He means well, but he does not understand things at the level many of us geeks do. He comes across a bit brash and that can both some people. I let it get to me sometimes.

The post that has been edited is a fair representation of the trials that a person has gone through to makes some computer upgrades and have a lot of things go wrong. While an experienced tech would have not had quite as much trouble and made fewer trips to Fry's, my BiC is not an experienced tech. He is a medical professional who is currently out of work. Expecting him to have the experience that many of us PC geeks have is very unfair.

As Christians, we are to lead by example and my previously posted comments were poor examples of how we are to act and behave. The Lord showed me today during my prayer and bible time what I needed to do. I was obedient and immediately made the changes.

I guess I could have saved myself a lot of grief had I just "stuck to my guns" and not assisted him any further once I saw that he was becoming over zealous about the project and was not taking it one step at a time. However, I have a big heart and like to help, even if it causes me grief. I need to work on that.

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