Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Could Be Worse

The 'work' day ended in a non-eventful fashion. I logged off the company VPN at 4:00 PM and immediately started to vacuum the house. I took care of the front part of the house while my wife was getting ready to go workout at the gym and then did the back half after she left. It took about 2 hours to get all that done (I try to do a thorough job), then I fed the dogs and myself. I let them out, but they did not want to do anything, so we came back and I checked my e-mail until 24 came back on.

I was very surprised by the amount of hair and dirt I picked up. Our dogs must really be shedding badly. If you saw the amount you would think (I know I have said this before) that we never vacuum, but we normally vacuum twice a week..one 'quick' (nothing is moved and no edging) and a 'thorough' (things moved and corners baseboards, windows sills edged). We may have missed the mid week vacuuming and that could account for the large amount of debris.

My wife got home 5 minutes after '24' started and she sat and watched it with me. That 2 hours went by QUICK. After that was said and done, I walked little man in the 20-ish degree night (with a strong wind giving a wind chill of 15 or so) until he did his business...which was at the very end of our walk. It may be cold out but he really does not mind...I think he likes it.

After I warmed up, I got ready for bed, played some Spider Solitaire on my Palm T|E for a while, prayed with my wife, and fell asleep. I slept very well. I got up once at 12:30 to get a drink and then again at 4 AM. I was not ready to get up, but not really ready to stay in bed. I did however cat nap until the alarm went off at 5 AM to repeat my even walk with little man. It was not any better this morning, but he did take care of business a little quicker.

Needless to say I was ready for my morning coffee today. My wife got a new one since the other one had rusted on the bottom. It will take a while to get used to this one...the opening to pour water is smaller (not good for me) and it takes a bit longer to brew.

After coffee and e-mail, I read my bible and hopped into the shower...not hot, but very warm. I made sure I dressed warmly since my office can get drafty (I have one outside wall that is all glass and not very well insulated). I ate some oatmeal, brushed my teeth, loaded up the the truck and moved to Beverly...just kidding. I did load up the truck but I needed to let it run since it was cold in the garage and I did not start it at all yesterday.

The trip in was uneventful, with the exception of a few icy spots that people were not respecting. I saw at least on driver in a full sized pick-up zig-zag in and out of traffic as he wished. When the weather is cold like it is now, you have to be careful.

So far there was not much to take care of, so I unloaded all the junk I brought to have recycled (two printers, and a tape drive), and after I placed it in the bins, I started to play with an OS called "Syllable" that I downloaded, but it would not install on my (extra) laptop at work. Bad burn, bad download...not sure. Maybe just incompatible hardware. It is still in beta so anything is possible. I will give it another try later.

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