Thursday, October 19, 2006


I got home yesterday after not so eventful day at work, looking forward to Care Group at Jimmy and Collette's house. My wife had just gotten home and we brought each other up to date on our days while she started making the salad for the even meal/bible study. Both of the dogs had to go to the vet (little man has to stay on the steroids for a while and the golden has an ear infection) and the bill was $177.00 . I was not counting on that but we should be ok. As our dogs get older, they are more susceptible to illness and allergies.

There was no mail to speak of, with the exception of the property tax notice. They went down $105, while the taxable value when up $3,000 . Now instead of $3615 per year we pay $3510. Our home is (tax) valued at the same price we bought it for 5 years ago, which is not great but at least we are not losing ground.

I entered in the (debit) receipts into AceMoney and check the bank balances to see how we were doing. As expected, we are close but still in the black for the month. All that will change if my wife quits her job as I plan she will. It is not much but it pays the van payment each month and fills up our tanks with gas (give or take).

I found a new series I want to watch called "Sleeper Cell". I hear it is pretty good. I also want to look into "Twin Peaks" when we get the time. Some series I never got to see when they ran and I now am getting the chance to watch them. My wife and I just finished "Brimstone" and we both liked it a lot.

Care Group was very good with an awesome meal (home made lasagna, mixed green salad and cider) including dessert (Banana nut creme cake) and coffee. The discussion was very deep and somewhat heated, but no one walked away hurt. We were short a few people and they were missed but we managed to make it on our own.

We got home about 10 PM and I walked little man around the block. I was too tired to stay up so I went to bed. My wife stayed up until 1 AM watching taped Law and Order episodes that she missed a couple of weeks ago while I was out of town.

I woke up before the alarm went off (yes it went off today...not sure why it did not yesterday) and grabbed little man for his morning walk. It was very cool (48 degrees) so sweat pants and jacket were the clothing of choice. I got back and fed the lovable mutt and brewed a small cup of coffee for me. After it finished I checked my e-mail and read my bible. My wife got up just I as I was getting into the shower. She had plans to walk the golden before she started her day. I had to leave before she got back so I made sure to give her a kiss and tell her how much I loved her before she left.

The drive to work was uneventful. They have activated the traffic signals on Parker at Springhill Estates. Those lights were badly needed...that is a very dangerous intersection. The lights have been in flashing mode for a couple of weeks now and it was good to see them finally active.

I got to work and fired up my laptop. While it was booting and running the log on script I put my lunch in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. When the PC had booted I started our internal ticketing system and noticed 260 account requests/deletions had been put in our queue by accident. I felt sorry for the folks in Malaysia when I transferred the cases to them...they are gonna be busy for a while. There is no easy way to delete accounts for this particular customer. Everything has to be done manually.

It has been slow most of the day. I have answered a few questions and gone over more of the documentation for my new role. It seems that there are features that the documentation says are working that in fact, do not. Glad I found out now.

I am supposed to work out with Jeff tonight but I have some paperwork I need to go over for church and that may take some time. I think I am going to have to cancel unless I can make a big dent in the forms before I go.

Tomorrow is the last day for the people who have been laid off on the account I work on. Monday is gonna seem awfully quiet without them. They are going to be missed.

Well, back to the grind.

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