Friday, October 27, 2006

Rain, Then Wind. I Love Texas Weather

I could have lived in Tejas for 20 years and still complain the weather. Really. Wednesday is rained like crazy all day (after a very dry summer) and today it is cool and windy. The weather applet on my says it is 55 degrees (12.7 C) but the wind is gusty, making it feel like you are standing in a walk-in cooler.

Driving to work I saw a young man walking, wearing a PARKA. He has no idea. Now to be fair, when the wind blows HARD and the temp drops 20 degrees, it feels cold, but you do not need a parka. I was wearing my unlined UNC windbreaker while I was out walking the dogs much earlier, so unless this guy just walked from Colorado, I think he was over dressed.

I felt sorry for my wife who had to have an outpatient surgical procedure this morning at 7 AM. When she woke up from the procedure in the very cool recovery room, she was freezing. She is cold natured and likes to bundle up. Not much bundling up going on when you are wearing a surgical gown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We used to have fun with some of the Indian contractors (and employees) in my old office. Even after living here for several years, they just could not get accustomed to upstate NY winters. They'd have the parkas and gloves out as soon as the leaves began to turn in September.

Last fall we had some new guys come in, again from India, to work on some projects. One day they came in, shocked by how cold it was (mid 40s - I wear a very light jacket at that point). Once we started telling them what they could expect once winter hit, their jaws were on the floor and they were having a hard time wrapping their heads around how they'd deal with such frigidly cold temperatures.