Thursday, October 26, 2006

Really, I Don't Watch *THAT* Much TV...

Well, I didn't, but I find myself watching (actually catching up) on certain seasons of shows I missed sometime in the past 1-5 years. There have been some bombs (Twin Peaks, Rome, Sleeper Cell) but some good ones (Firefly, The 4400, Brimstone) and I found another one that I am beginning to like..."Eureka". It is a little campy at times, but so far I am liking it. I saw an online ad for "Jericho" and thought I would give it a try. Not sure but it may be pretty good. I think it is a geeky enough show for me and my wife to watch.

I am still a sucker for all three "Law and Order" series and for "24". "24 replaced "The X Files" when it went off the air. I was genuinely hurt when the "X Files" spin-off "The Lone Gunmen" was canceled. TV watching is certainly cyclical with me.

Those 4 shows (all three "Law and Order" series and "24") are the only ones my wife and I watch together. I watch "Eureka" and "Battle Star Galactica" by myself and my wife watches AFV once in a while. We also will randomly watch Discovery if the shows we normally watch are re-runs. I normally average less than 1 hour a night, which is better than a lot of people I know. I will however admit that I am a net junkie...spending hours reading news and info about tech. I am such a geek.

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