Sunday, October 22, 2006


Saturday was a pretty exhausting day for me...I guess it is the type of day I used to have in the beginning of the summer. In the beginning of the summer we had plenty of rain (well for Texas) and I was mowing the grass on Saturday as well as my regular chores. I have not had to do that for a while...a long while until yesterday.

Got up (after sleeping in bit until 7:00 AM) had my coffee and some muffins baked by my wife (box mix, but still good). I then called little man and took him for a long-ish walk. The meds he is on makes him want to lag behind but I kept him motivated enough to keep pace with me.

I got back and my wife was just about ready to go to her defensive driver class (Yes, she got a speeding ticket and this keeps it off her record and keeps our insurance from going up) so I gave her a kiss and wished her the best. Just as she was going out the door, our son called from Fort McCoy. Just as he started to give us an update, he said he had to go and that he would call us right back. Well, instead of starting the vacuuming and taking a chance on missing his call, I waited for him to call back. He finally called back about an 1/2 hour later and we chatted for a while. After we had said our goodbyes, I figured I better get started.

I got the house completely vacuumed the way my wife likes it (moving things, corners, vents), stripped (and much later made) the bed. I was done by 11:30 AM and stopped to have lunch and check e-mail. I took the dogs outside to use the bathroom and checked the mail (only one piece...junk mail for my wife...shredded it) before starting part two (the hardest part) of my day, cutting and trimming the jungle.

Now that I have my trimmer back (yea!) I was able to trim our yard and edge it. Since I did not want to push the machine too hard, I cut our yard and our neighbors before I used the trimmer on it. It took 3 hours but I got completely done. The only bad thing was two fold. First the wind kept me from cleaning up the clippings properly and the second was I needed to change the edge blade to make the job look professional (which I did not do this time), but it still look light years better than it did. I wrote up the bill and after my shower, dropped it off in my neighbors mailbox.

I called my wife and we decided to meet for dinner at Jason's Deli...I was in the mood for a Texas Spud. She got their a couple of minutes before I did (She was closer and I was in the middle of feeding the dogs) but we did not have to wait long to get some very good food.

We got home and I finished watching Battlestar Galactica, episode 4...this season looks very good if they can keep up the pace they have started. After it was over I walked the dogs and when we returned my wife and I settled down to watch a show we had never seen before..."Twin Peaks". I did not ever see it when it was on regular programming, but I had acquired a couple of episodes to try out and we did not like it at all. It was one of the worst shows I had ever seen. The acting and the music were just horrible.

I guess am batting about .500 now with my choices in shows that my wife and I watch together. "Sleeper Cell" had way too much language in it and "Rome" was pretty much like soft core porn. My wife and I (together) have enjoyed "Firefly", "The 4400", and "Brimstone". I have seen a lot more that I have enjoyed, but the last three that I thought that my wife and I would like have been completely ruled out. I guess we are just prudes.

After a wasted 1.5 hours watching the Twin Peaks pilot, we went to sleep, tired and worn out...not to mention disappointed.

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