Wednesday, October 18, 2006

They Are All Taco Bell (Or Pizza Hut)

If you have ever seen the movie "Demolition Man" with Sly Stallone and Wesley Snipes, there is a comment abut having dinner at Taco Bell (or Pizza Hut, depending on which version you watched). John Spartan, played by Stallone, asks why anyone would dress up to go to Taco Bell/Pizza Hut. IIRC Lt. Huxley, played by Sandra Bullock, announces that all restaurants are Taco Bell/Pizza Hut. A monopoly has been created in the food industry.

I get the feeling that Google is becoming the same way. While they have not monopolized the search engine industry, the name Google has become synonymous with web searches. Heck, Google is fast becoming the Wal-Mart of the intarweb! You can practically do anything on Google. You can keep a calendar, read mail and news, chat, edit and create spreadsheets and documents, do basic math, define words, view maps, plan trips, manage photos, create and update a blog...the list goes on and on.

How much do you use Google or one of its products? I bet you use them more than you think.

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