Sunday, October 08, 2006

Back Home Again

Actually I did not sleep straight through the night...I did wake up at midnight and again at 2 AM. At 2 I could not get back to sleep so I played solitaire on my PDA until I fell asleep, which was at 4 AM. My eyes were beginning to itch and I was not sure why. I thought it funny that my allergies would be acting up but I later realized that it was my mom mistakenly put down pillows in my bedroom. I am allergic to down.

I actually woke up at 7:30 to the sound of Mr Coffee brewing in the kitchen. Being a small house noise travels well, not to mention smells. The coffee, though weaker than I normally drink it, smelled great. I got up and shared the 8 cups with mom (I had 3) and then I had a light breakfast of fruit and granola. Since this was Sunday, I needed to get ready for church, but I also needed to spend time reading my bible. On Friday I read before I left but on Saturday, I read at a rest stop. I try to take this seriously. I know some of you may not understand, but I expect that. I am not offended.

I got to church with mom about 9:30 and she reintroduced me to everyone...funny I knew all their faces (including the preacher who looked like a cross between Danny DeVito and Elvis) but could not remember their names. Many of them swore they never had met me before. Ah, the curse of old age. Maybe I will die before I get too old.

The Sunday School lesson was on Deborah and Barak which is a cool story with a violent ending. The sermon only touched on this, but was pretty good nonetheless. I am not a fan of my mom's church, but at least it keeps her grounded in her faith. My mom is very close with one older couple and spends a great deal of time with them when I am not around. They seem to be good people.

We got home and mom started to get lunch ready. She had some chicken breasts handy so she fried them up and prepared some chicken flavored rice and some green beans to go along with it. We split one of my Arizona Blueberry Green Teas and had a slice of coconut cream pie for dessert. It was a box mix, but not bad. The crust was a tad soggy, but it was edible.

I had planned to spend all of Sunday and most of Monday with mom so I could help her as much as possible. She is not one to work on Sunday (yeah!) so we relaxed and talked. She told me she had the rest of the Left Behind prequel trilogy in her office so I grabbed book two and tore into it. I got about 3/4 of the way through it before I stopped for the day.

I watched a little TV, but soon grew bored. Mom did not look like she was interested in doing much, so I walked to the park to watch a soccer game. I watched for a while then headed back to see what was for dinner. Sunday evening is "fend for yourself" so I raided the fridge. I found some left over corn fritters (I have not had those in a long time) and decided that was as good a meal as any for a Sunday evening.

Chatted with mom for a while and then she went to bed. Since she had satellite TV, I flipped over to Sci-Fi and watched the premier of the season 3 opener until 1 AM. I was very tired at that point so I went to bed.

I chatted with my wife for about 30 minutes. She was happy Cingular was a local service provider.

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