Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The past couple of days have been filled with prayer and contemplation. As I reflected back on yesterday's post regarding, "The Good Old Days", I was struck with a thought...maybe one of the reasons I am in the state of mind that I am in is because I do not know what path I am supposed to be on.

As a Christian, I should be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit should gently nudge me in the direction that I should take and if I veer off of it, the Spirit will begin to speak louder. The further I get from my goal the louder the voice of the Spirit should be. Right now, I cannot hear it. I would absolutely love to believe that the lack of a screaming voice telling me to go hear or go there would indicate that I am headed in the right direction, but I somehow I don't think that is the case. It is as if the Enemy has put sound deadening material around the concert hall of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is still speaking, but all the of the sound proofing I have in my life that the Devil has graciously donated is blocking the sweet sounds of my master's voice.

I have taken a regiment to start earnestly asking for guidance on as much as I can. There are a lot of things going on in my life in regards to work, family, home, and church and I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the vastness of change. Do not get me wrong, I like change...change can be very good. However when change comes from everywhere at the same time, even the best can feel a bit overcome by it.

A few years ago my career was on track, but a few changes in the environment have made me question whether or not I am in the right area. While attending a little soirée for the retirees at work yesterday, I heard story after story on how the company we work for was a great place to go and people hate to leave. While I do not doubt that at a high level, the local scene at our site (a small, remote data center for one of our customers) does not have the same spirit. While watching a web cast delivered by the CEO of our company, the speakers expressed the desire to promote from within and encouraged us to update our internal resumes with any data that would allow our company to use us in an area that needs to be filled. With that in mind, I was given hope and a spark of encouragement that maybe I am in the right place and I just need to bide my time. I am reminded that we work on God's timetable...not ours.

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