Sunday, May 27, 2007


In September I will take my annual pilgrimage to WV to visit family and a few friends. This year will be different because "Block" will not be there. He has moved to Memphis, Tennessee. Now while Memphis is on my way to WV, it is very inconvenient for me since Block lives with his sister and her boyfriend. I doubt they have room for me and I am not going to spend money on a hotel. I am not cheap, I just really need nothing more than a safe place to park the van while I get some sleep during the trip.

If I do not stop and see Block, he will be hurt, but stopping in Memphis to visit, then driving in the dark to the camp that normally fills up quickly is not appealing, either. I think I have a solution, if I can get Block to agree. I can have him meet me at the camp.

The camp is about 100 miles from where Block lives, give or take. Yes it would take him a couple of hours to get there, but he could spend the night which would give us time to visit before I left the next morning. He may not go for it, but I will at least give him the option.

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