Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wax On, Wax Off and Other Notables

Saturday I went for my second martial arts lesson from Jimmy* at his dojo near my house. I was a few minutes late, but he is a patient master. This lesson took more thinking than the previous lesson, but that was ok. Some of the moves reminded me of "The Karate Kid", which helped me remember the moves. Some of the moves were a bit complex for a simple man like me but overall it was fun, albeit strenuous. While my back was not giving me too much trouble, I was tired from the previous night (My wife and I got to bed late and up early) and did not have time to properly warm up and stretch. Needless to say by the end of a 2 hour workout I was tired, but I still had a house to vacuum. I was planning on helping another brother work on his carport, but by the time I was done with everything, they were already done. While I was not able to help, I am happy that the work has been completed.

Sunday we went over to another family's home for lunch (actually brunch) and ended up staying there for several hours. There was plenty of good conversation and fellowship and the food (Waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit and juice) was awesome. This family hopes to do this once a month at their house. I got so caught up with fellowship, I failed to call my mom like I normally do on Sunday. I know it is ok with her, but I also know she looks forward to our chats.

Yesterday our church handyman came over to start the repairs on the outside of the house. He is going to replace all the rotten wood trim (even though we have a brick home, there is quite a bit of trim) and paint what we cannot reach on a 12 foot ladder. While my wife thought his fee was high, I did not. Needless to say, we have the money thanks to an income tax refund. The remainder we are putting towards our vacation fund. This year we are going to Florida.

I have been on my new pain / anti-inflammatory meds for about a week now. I was feeling pretty good the first 4-5 days, but the last two have not been so pleasant. While the pain has not been as bad as it was before the meds, it is still uncomfortable and it worries me a degree. I realize I should not worry, and maybe the better term is being concerned. I know God will do what is best for the completion of his plan for me, so I will try not to fret.

I finished lesson 4 with my student last night in One to One Discipling. He did great and was very attentive. It makes me feel a bit odd to have a student who has been a Christian much longer than I have, be my student. It does not seem to bother him, so I will not let it bother me.

Our son called Sunday to inform us that he will NOT be able to go to AIT yet. It seems the US Army has lost his paperwork. Believe it or not, this is the second time his paperwork has been misplaced. The first time was when he was at Basic Training and he was told he would have to go back home and not participate. His paperwork was found and he did graduate BT on time.

He is bothered by this loss for several reasons. He plans on attending a school in Houston after he gets out of AIT, but now that the dates have changed (and he does not know when he can go to AIT), he is in limbo with the Houston school. He also does not have a job, phone, or any cash. All three of these decisions (plus his decision to move out) were all his choice. We tried to convince him to stay home, but as most parents will tell you, teens tend to know it all :) . I am glad he moved out while he still knew everything ... hehehe. Seriously, I love my son, but we all have to learn things our own way. I did.

Work was very steady yesterday. I looked up and it was time for lunch and when I looked again, it was time to leave. Today, I have to watch the time closely since I have to drive 20 miles to my doctor appointment at 10:30 and then drive back. I had thought about working from home in the afternoon, but I will drive back and work until 5 PM or so, since I will be gone a couple of hours.

My workload has increased a bit and I am now having to coordinate several ticket queues, do Unix Admin duties, reporting duties, and project work. While it is nice to be busy, it can get a bit hectic. We could use a couple of bodies for the day to day stuff and leave the regulars to do the administrivia.

No geek updates to report. I have spent very little time working on my hobby (Linux) other than the fact that I got NTFS read AND write to work on my main machine. I have added and deleted a few files as a test and everything went well. I understand that their are bugs in mass deletion of files, but that is ok. I did not want to do that anyway.

I was informed of a web forum that a BiC from our church runs. Funny name, www.crapromedia.com , but it has some great discussions. Check it out if you have a few minutes to kill.

*Not his real name.

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