Friday, April 07, 2006

George Orwell was only off 25 years

Mr. Paranoid (me) sincerely believes that when George Orwell wrote "1984", he only missed the date by about 25-30 years and "Big Brother" is actually Google. Think I am crazy? Read this. It may look like and be sold as targeted advertising, but it is all about control. Google wants to control all the info they can and in turn, control you.

I have blogged in the past about how a large group of people hate Microsoft and think that Bill gates is Satan. While he may be greedy, he is not evil. While I have no love for Billy boy and the MS empire, I think that Google is a bigger threat.

* They great a search engine so powerful that the name becomes synonymous with searching the web ("Just Google for it").
* The offer a wide variety of desktop tools to make your everyday computing more enjoyable and your data easier to find (Picasa, Toolbar, Desktop, Maps).
* They offer free e-mail with a huge amount of storage.
* They offer free chat with logging.
* They offer a VERY popular blogging service.
* They are planning on offering free online storage.
* They are planning on offering free Wi-Fi internet access that will be able to pinpoint you within 200 feet of your actual location.

Wow. If I used Google for all that, they would know more about me than my mother.

This post is not to scare you, only to make you think about what you are willing to give up to get something FREE.

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