Saturday, April 22, 2006

Eeny Meeny Miney Mo...

A line up without any wrong choices? That is what the defense is alleging in the Duke lacrosse rape case. ABC News has gotten information that the alleged victim was shown 46 pictures to identify her attackers...the pictures only included the lacrosse fillers. Since the defense is obviously going to challenge this there is a very good chance this may not go to trial, unless the prosecution has some evidence that has not been released. Right now the defense has a lot of good evidence of innocence, which should not be needed, since we are all innocent until proven guilty...

Now we know that in a rape case it is not exactly that way. First, the accused is always named publicly and the victim's ID is rarely revealed. With that, the accused has to prove he DID NOT do the crime, instead of the prosecution proving that he did. Justice...not really.

I know, I am a male and I am a little biased. But I have the right to be. Once upon a time, back when I was married to my son's Bio-mom, she pulled a knife on me while I was in bed. I saw her and defended myself. Guess who got arrested? I will give you a hint, it was not her. I had no proof she pulled the knife on me but she had proof I hit her (a open hand mind you...on her person). She got a warrant for my arrest and I spent a few hours in jail. Eventually the charges were dropped (I threatened to file my own complaint...I had witnesses and a bit of photographic evidence of her being a bad girl) and we both went our separate ways.

Why this bit of TMI? Well, I give this to you to prove that GENERALLY, women have little problems getting men in trouble, but men have to prove in a big way that the woman was in the wrong. Women just have to accuse and let the public judge the guy as a dirtbag.

I used to be bitter, but I got over it. I have even forgiven my ex for all the crap she put me through. It was not easy, but I prayed and prayed until I was ok with it. Justice was ultimately served. She was deemed unfit by the state of NC and I eventually got custody of our son. He is now 18 and an adult and he can do as he sees fit, even if that means visiting the woman who hurt him. His choice. But I digress.

Dookies, if you are guilty, I think they are going to have a hard time proving it, using the evidence that has been leaked. If you are innocent, I feel bad for you all. You were in a good run during the season and that has been cancelled. Your coach resigned and your names (while calling them good is questionable :-) ) have been tarnished. Justice needs to be served one way or the other.

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