Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Values, Morals, and Such and a Health Update

Over 70% of the US identifies themselves as "Christian" On the surface, this is very positive news. Christian values, if wholly enforced, would lead to a more stabilized society. The problem is that while over 70% IDENTIFY themselves as Christians, many are not really practicianers of the faith. They may go to church on Sunday and maybe Wednesday evening and even may be part of the teaching staff at the church, but once they go home or to work, they look and act like everyone else.

I used to be that way until about 2-3 years ago. I professed to be a Christian, but when I went to work, I took off my Christian coat and put on the secular one. I cut up with my uncouth co-workers, swore, told sexual and off color jokes, and skimmed through the small but growing stack of Maxim magazines. For those of you who may not be familiar with Maxim, it has no nudity, but plenty of skin. All the models are in very little (mostly underwear) clothing and the articles are a bit frank on sexuality.

I am ashamed that I acted that way. While I try not to feel guilty (guilt is a tool that Satan uses to those who repent), I cannot help but feel I was very dishonest to my church family.

When Americans act this way, it sends mixed signals that will eventually be picked up by the youth who happen to be in the vicinity of the deed. It amazes me to no end when parents who live like this (or worse) cry out about their teen be sexually active, smoking, drinking, experimenting with drugs, or showing signs of other problems. What kind of example are you setting for them?

Another thing that amazes me is when the parents are not Christian, but insist that their kids go to church or Sunday school. My ex-wife was like that at one time (I am not sure how she is acting now...that has been many years ago), making her kids go to church to learn morals, but not going herself. Let me make one thing clear, you do not go to church to "get morals". Think about it. You send your kids off to learn Christian values and you do not practice them. Since parents are role models for their kids, then they will pick up on the actions of the parent. If you drill into you kids heads that drinking is a bad, but you get hammered every weekend, should it surprise you that your kid is likely to be a drinker?

Parents who do not go to church but send their children, are not giving the practical application of what the children are taught. You cannot expect the little ones to be upright and moral if you are getting up late on Sunday morning, hungover or if you swear at the dog every time he piddles on the floor.

I did not give my son the best Christian upbringing, although my wife did a great job from her end. I wish I would have done more, but I was not far enough along in my Christian journey to realize what I was doing wrong. The good news is that my son saw what I was supposed to be doing the last 2 years he lived at home. That is some consultation I believe.

Ok, now the health update. My new back problems are caused by a little misalignment and inflammation of the SI joint in the very lower back. The good news is that all I need is some physical therapy, some anti-inflammatory drugs and a little muscle/nerve stimulator to help naturally reduce they pain. I wore it for about 8 hours yesterday and when I took it off to mow the grass and then walk the dog, I was in very little pain, more of a discomfort. It was so minor I almost did not notice it. When my wife and I settled down to watch Law and Order: SVU, I could tell then (only because I tend to watch TV while sitting on the floor), but again, it was minimal.

The bad news is that the Physical Therapist (PT) that my doc recommends does not take my insurance and I cannot afford 8 visits at $80 a visit. I was told the he could recommend someone who was very qualified who does take my plan. My former boss (now my technical lead) gave me a name of someone who takes my HMO and I need to look him up or at least get a referral.

I have an eye doctor appointment today before care groups and a dentist appointment next week. I think that I am all caught up with my doctor visits. I am not really a fan of going to doctors, but I see the value. I guess it is my duty as a Christian man to keep myself healthy so I can provide for my wife.

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