Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jack Bauer One Liner

I am not sure why I did not post this earlier, but Jack says this in almost every episode where a third party can help CTU:

Jack -- "Right now, I am your only hope..."

My wife caught that one last night as we were watching "24".

Speaking of Jack Bauer, Keifer Sutherland is going to be in a movie (and the title escapes me at the moment) where he will play a Jack Bauer type of government agent. The story line has something with the Secret Service and an agent being set up.

And speaking of "24", why does Chloe always look like she found half a worm in her apple?

And DO NOT get me started on the technical inaccuracies of the show. While I do love the story and the action, it is a technical nightmare :) .

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