Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It Is Only April...and Two Are Charged

The Associated Press is reporting that the Durham County DA has formally brought charges of rape against 2 Duke lacrosse players, Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty. This surprises me, considering that there appears to be a lack of solid evidence. I hope this is not just a witch hunt against rich white boys. While I am no Duke fan, am I also not defending them because of race or gender. The amount of info that has been released would lead me to believe that the "victim" is lying (about WHO attacked her) but I am not passing judgment. I like to know all the facts, or as many of them as we can know. I read yesterday (and I cannot find the link now) that the "victim" identified these two men with 100% accuracy and a third (who has not been charged) with 90%. Now what really is interesting is that like in almost all rape cases, the accused are named but the victim is not. They have to fight their way out of a hole...working uphill so to speak. The public has already convicted them. She has ID'ed her attackers but the only evidence we have is the bruising that is consistent with rough/violent sexual intercourse. No DNA evidence has been announced and the evidence from the crime scene seems to indicate that she was not assaulted while she was at the party. However, we do not know all the facts. There will be more that comes out when this goes to trial. I want this to be FAIR.

Yesterday it hit 100 degrees in my town and it is only April. Today it is supposed to be 96 degrees and cooling off to the mid 80's by end of week with the possibility of showers. I wonder what August will be like...

I was stressed out yesterday, but a large chunk of that has subsided. I was able to get a gift for my wife and get both yards mowed. I still have some research to do on "faith" (Doubting Thomas has come as a possibility) and we still have painting to do, put up some solar film on the patio doors, and the list from yesterday. I know it may seem like only a little bit, but we are so swamped at times. My wife (who has been a trooper) has been able to make about $100 or so doing paper /office work for some people at church. This will come in handy. She was asked by the preschool to do the books each week. It does not pay much, but it is a little extra. As soon as the grass grows faster, I will be bringing in about $100 extra a month from that, but all this will just bring us up to par...the cost of living only goes up. Thank goodness for the blessings of extra pay here and there!

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