Saturday, July 22, 2006

Whirlwind Weekend

It has been a hectic 24 hours. Maybe not in the same degree as some people, but for me, it is. I got home abut 5 PM last night from a lazy day at work, but for whatever reason, I was tired. We had plans to go to a friends house to help her celebrate her 45th birthday (she does not look like 40, let alone 45). She is the wife of my part time martial arts instructor and a sister in Christ.

We arrived about 7 PM and I was still dragging. I had a nap hangover from the 30 minute snooze I took before we left. I was also very hungry and getting the shakes (blood sugar must have been low), so we stopped by McD's before we arrived to get a burger and fries to keep me sane until we ate. They had a lot of food (but they ate late, so I am glad I got that burger) and we got to visit with her family as well as others we do not get to see very often. We had a great time.

We left at 10 or so and I still had to walk our dogs. By the time I did that and checked my e-mail, it was 11 PM...time for bed. Six AM came around much too quickly.

I slept okay, but needed more. I got up and walked the dogs as usual, had my coffee and took a shower. Birthday girl was picking me up so we could help "Darlene", an older woman from church move. Birthday girl arrived 30 minutes late (too much birthday?) and we headed out to Wylie to help move "Darlene".

It was hot but not unbearably so. There was a lot of help so it went pretty well. We stopped at 11:30 for a lunch of cold cuts, chips, and soda then we got back to work. A lot of our help had to leave, so we were cut down to just a couple of people by 3 PM when we finally left.

After a couple of errands we were able to get home and shower...we still have function to go to at 6 PM and I am meeting one of the forum members tomorrow sometime for coffee, etc. I will still have the normal church and Sunday School to deal with plus I need to call mom (I did not last week). All this and we still not washed dishes or vacuumed nor have we stripped and made the bed. This could be a long week!

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