Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What Was I Thinking?

I got home and found my garage remote did not work...the same problem my wife had the day I pull to the front of the house and came in the front door (I think it is the heat that is keeping it from working. The remote is clipped to the visor and the car is parked in the sun all day). I soon found that my wife was not back home yet from her Six Flags day with our soldier boy so I decided that I needed to...mow my neighbors grass. It had not been mowed in 3 weeks and the weeds were getting high and unsightly. I chugged a Fuze green tea and changed into my "mowing gear" (OLD shorts, tee shirt, socks, ball cap) but when I went to go get my mowing sneakers (the ones with grass stains), they were gone. Since my son's shoes were there I could only guess that he wore them to the park. No big deal..I have worn sandals before while mowing...I would just have to strap them on tight and be careful.

I got outside and unlocked the shed and grabbed the weed eater and weed eater fuel (gas/oil mix) which was running low, but I had enough to complete the two yards. I usually trim and edge first so the bagging mower can pick up as many of the clippings as possible. I fired it up and began. I had been trimming for about 30 minutes or so when I realized it was hot and I was getting tired. I then realized it was still 100+ degrees and there was no shade in sight. I had just finished when I decided I needed a break. My mobile phone rang and it was my son, who said that he and my wife were on their way back from the park. They stayed longer than expected, but there was not many people there, so they got to ride a lot. He said they would be home in about 40 minutes. That was good. That was just about the time I would need to cut 1 yard, since I was done trimming and edging.

I started mowing the back first, since that is the east side and shadiest (not that there was much..but any would help). It also was the highest (no trees to take away the water from the lawn) so it took a little longer than normal. The rest of the yard went smooth enough. When I was done, I was a sweaty, dusty mess. Since it has been so dry, dust was everywhere and that made it hard to breath properly.

My wife and son got home shortly after I finished and we all chatted for a while. My wife gave me a cold Gatorade (mmm Mango Extremo) and I began to feel better. It was still 100 degrees and I realized that I was beginning to shake from lack of food (I ate at noon and it was 7 ish), water, and exhaustion. It took about an hour, but I recovered. After soldier boy left, I jumped in the shower. No computer tonight (except to update my neighbors lawn care bill)..I am too tired. I need rest...

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