Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bad Feeling

The news about Middle Eastern conflict is very troubling. Whether you are a devout Christian or not, you should be worried.

Israel has attacked (with a great deal of force, I might add) sites in Lebanon, including the airport in Beirut and the Gaza strip. Many think Israel used too much force, others think that the force was justified. My first impression is that the force was excessive, but I am sure we do not have the full story. Linkage from Yahoo, Breitbart, and Reuters.

The mid east has a long history of warfare. Those who say the US is a more warlike country are mistaken. Ours are just bigger. The Arabs and Israelis have been at war forever. Here is a great link for a brief overview of the conflicts and here is a good link with more detail.

Historically, God has always favored Israel. If the end times are near, expect to see Israel miraculously defend herself against Russia and the other invaders. You do not have to take my word for it...check out the prophecy mentioned in the book of Daniel and Revelations.

No matter what happens, things are going to get a bit hinky here. Oil will skyrocket and that will trickle into inflation problems. The stock market is going to get a huge hit and many people are going to lose a lot of money.

Well, at least I know my son will not be bored now. Please keep him in your prayers. he could ship out at any time.

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