Thursday, July 27, 2006

Over My Head / I Like This

The other day we had dinner at Mimi's Cafe with a couple from church at the request of the husband of that couple. We lent the a book we had on communication in the hopes that it would help them as much as it did us. We had good intentions but it appears this book will not even begin to repair the damage. Their problems are going to require professional help. Problems of abuse from childhood and *severe* financial debt are crushing them...and the wife is ready to give up. She called my wife and spilled it all to her...then her husband walked in and made a comment that he says was not malicious, but my wife took it that way (men, we know that men and women are programmed differently, so I understand my wife's feelings on this).

He does not practice good financial common sense (drives a $40,000 truck all day at $230 a week in gas, charges things on a whim, hides receipts from his wife on purchases, etc) but claims he loves his wife more than anything. He called me twice yesterday to give me his "successes" in talking to his wife (he has very little tact, saying things in such a way they sound mean and hurtful, but he really does not mean it...he is just ignorant on how to speak cordially to people) and I was encouraging to him. This was before I found out about his spending. Not counting the house, they are over $150,000 in debt. He makes about what I do and she is a nurse. They have 2 kids together and he has 1 from a previous marriage. They have a bigger house than we do and they (by their own admission) do not donate any money to church in the form of tithes or offerings. His wife unloaded all her pain on my wife and that was tough for both of them. Sigh.

In brighter news, I was listening to 89.7 Power FM last night and heard an Evanescence-type of band and was hooked. I misheard the DJ but later realized the band was Fireflight. Very cool band I will need to track closely. If you have Flash/Shockwave installed, you can hear the first single, "You Decide". Yeah all you secular folks, this is Christian rock with a positive message, but it ROCKS.

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