Tuesday, July 11, 2006

No, You don't REALLY Know Me

Maintaining a blog is fun, but it does have a downfall or two. Words by themselves do not convey emotion unless the writer is talented,which obviously I am not. I am not offended by this. While I can communicate very well in written and verbal form, my meaning can be lost due to subtle nuances in the way I write and others perceive.

I have had people leave responses on my blog that I have removed because they are attempting to analyze who I am. Point to consider. If you really want to know who I am, ASK...do not assume to know me. Walk a mile in my moccasins before you judge or assume.

My wife came in the other day when I was updating my blog and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was making a blog entry and she just said, "OK". I was rather engrossed in the post I was creating and did not know she was behind me. I typed something, then deleted. She spoke up, "I was wondering if you were really going to post that."

I was not overly pleased. While the finished product is for public consumption, the process to creative is not. Quirky, I know, but that is who I am.

One thing that has crossed my mind is whether or not people use blogged info to "stalk" people. I guess it is possible, and in some cases likely, but I wonder how common it is? I know my ex-wife had accused me once of "stalking" her simply because I found info she left that a drunken half-orc could follow. Search engines are your friends.

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