Thursday, July 20, 2006

Another Neighborhood Oddity

I just remembered the other oddity in my neighborhood that I wanted to share. I am sure someone is having fun with this and I applaud them for it, if that is what they are doing. It involves a pair of leather (I think) sandals.

Just a few houses up from the oil slick neighbors is a house that is well kept (from the outside) and clean. They never have the pile of old newspapers and phone books that I normally see in from of many of the homes. It is quite possibly a perfect front yard. However, there is something odd about that house that I noticed a couple of weeks ago. There is a pair of sandals that look like they could fit a smaller woman or a pre-teen male. Not knowing much about sandals, I cannot tell if they are men's or women's. They have a slightly masculine look, but are decorated with some stitching that looks like they may be women's. Nonetheless, those sandals are on the sidewalk of the home *every* day. I know this because I walk this route every morning and evening with my dogs. The positioning of them changes from day to day, but they are always there. The first day I noticed them was about 2-3 weeks ago. They were akimbo and not laying flat on the ground. The next few times I noticed them, they were side by side in various positions on the sidewalk. They have been parallel, perpendicular, leaning, etc...but always side by side.

I know...leave it to me to notice something like that. Okay, I am eccentric...sue me.

Have you ever noticed anything quirky in your neighborhood?

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