Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Big Bad Moon

I got up this morning at 5 AM to walk the dogs and noticed a fantastic full moon hanging in the southwestern sky. It was HUGE. The light was so bright, I was yearning to see it without the harsh glare of city/suburban lights. It made me wish I was back in WV or NC mountains.

It was gorgeous!

Why 5 AM you ask? That is when I start my day. Dogs, coffee, 'net news, e-mail, shower, breakfast, work. I have my priorities.

BtW, I saw UFC 61 the other night. Too much talk, not enough action. Plus commercials...PPV with commercials? I get the feeling UFC is taking a page out of WWE's book with the loudmouth bravado and machismo. One huge reason why I never liked "professional" wresting. UFC was the real deal. Now it is the real deal with too many commercials and bad acting. At least the fights are still real...although some of them get pretty boring (I though Frank Mir was a fighter?).

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