Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Monday, via Wednesday

After having two days off, I was greeted at work by a stack of tickets and a several call backs that needed to be handled as soon as I could get organized. That is what it is like every time I take a day off or get a company holiday. Someone always puts in tickets that need worked on, even though the business is closed.

If it is an emergency, we have on call support. However, most of the time it is just something that is an inconvenience for our customers. I am glad we have Service Level Agreements that allow us to refuse non-critical items entered as emergencies.

The halls are rather empty today. Only one of the Windows guys is in the office, compared to 4 of us Unix guys. To be fair, the one Unix guy only does project work and another only monitors and configures the back-up system we have, as well as performs restores from that system. That leaves 2 of us to handle Texas, 1 to handle Colorado and California, and one to cover North Carolina and Virginia. I normally do all the account administration for all sites except Colorado, where they have a local setup and it is very non-standard. I guess I could do them, but the potential for error is greater.

My boss is here, but my TL is on vacation. Before he left on Friday, he asked me to some tickets and to see if anyone who would be on vacation this week had any tickets that needed reassigning. I did not mind that too much. Yes, it was busy this morning until about an hour ago, but I had time to update my timesheet and do all the other things I needed to get done.

It is just like Monday, only it is Wednesday. Like Monday, there were things that *had* to be done ASAP when I came in. In reality, they could have waited. They were not that important.

Only two more days and then the weekend will be here. Is that sad or what?

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