Friday, August 31, 2007


Summer is almost over. I had not actually realized that until last night while I was at dinner with Jimmy and Collette. We met at 6:30 and left the restaurant at eight-ish and it was dark. It seems like only a few weeks ago I was still light at 8:30 PM.

While at dinner, I ask J and C what the latest was on Jenny and Ron, the associate pastor and his wife. Ron has been sick with some bug that is going around and his wife...well we found out that she is dying.

Jenny has been sick with pneumonia/bronchitis for about a year and the doctors were unable to pin it down. The other day she had a battery of tests and they determined she had a terminal illness and had 3-5 years left to live. This is a huge shock to us all. I do not even know what to say to them. It only goes to show that we never really know how long we really have on this planet.

Work went well and it was slow enough that my TL returned the favor and let me go home at 3:00 PM. I had planned on mowing the grass, but it started raining so I just decided to wait. That really was a good thing since I had forgotten about meeting J and C for dinner at 6:30 PM!

Dinner went well and the only hitch was that we had to wait on my wife who was running a bit late.

We got home afterwards and walked the dogs. I was not in the mood to watch TV, so I just checked e-mail and then went to bed. I slept well until about 4 AM or so when I started having a bad dream. My wife recognized this and woke me up. I appreciated that a lot!

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