Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pretty Much What I Expected

Friday was pretty slow at work. I managed to get half of the Sunday school stuff done so at least I have a chunk of Saturday free.

In the late afternoon my wife forwarded me an e-mail from our son stationed in Kuwait. I responded to it (maybe not the wisest thing to do, but I had to clear the air) in a very heart-felt manner. I was very surprised to see him respond so quickly to the little missive I wrote. Needless to say it was not exactly what I was wanting to read. While I commend him for speaking his mind and thank him for telling me how he fells, he did write something that hurt.

I have only been a Christian for 10 or so years and I have only taken my faith seriously the past 3 or so. I was not a very good model of a Christian man for a long time and I have (and will) pay the price for my lack of obedience to God. My son never really got to see the "new me" and in his last e-mail he gives the impression that he does not quite believe I have made that change. That hurt. He told me a lot of things in the e-mail that would have hurt a lesser man, but while I will remember them (I happen to agree with his assessment on a large part of it), they did not was only when my faith was questioned that I became hurt.

Our son has started communicating with his bio-mom and you can tell that by the way he writes his e-mails. While I have forgiven my ex-wife (our son's bio-mom), I still believe she has not changed her ways. The last time I had any communication with her, she was bitter and venomous. I can't say I blame her for being angry...we were not the best married couple on the planet (I think we both did everything possible to undermine the relationship), I have actively worked on my interpersonal skills with my family. I have grown in my relationship with God and that has helped a lot.

I have encouraged my son to start a relationship with his bio-mom (who he has not lived with in 16 years, nor has he spent more than a couple of hours with during that same time). Hopefully one of two things will happen. She will have changed in a good way and our son can report that back to me and we can "bury the hatchet" (and not in each other's thick head) OR she will have not changed and our son will see that and get away.

There is a third option...and that is our son will not be able to tell the difference and will defend her come hell or high water. Sigh.

Anyhow, I came home and had dinner with my wife, browsed a few web pages, answered some e-mail, posted a story or two on the Chronicles of George, and went to bed.

Saturday, I hit the snooze button for the first time in years before finally getting up at 6:30 AM. I walked Little Man and came back to have my coffee.

I took care of a multitude of chores (strip/make the bed, wash/dry/fold a load of clothes, wash dishes, vacuum the entire house and clean the vacuum when I was done) before lunch. I even went out in the 100 degree heat and placed fire ant bait to help get rid of the few mounds I and my neighbor have in our yards.

I spent the rest of my day on the PC, watching TV, eating, reading, or walking Little Man. yeah, I know...not much of a constructive day, but I did apply for a job online. While I will not say where, I will say that the application process was NINE pages long and not Firefox friendly.

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