Monday, August 13, 2007

At The Church On Time

I made my trustee meeting this evening. Had you asked me at 1:30 if it were possible, I would have said no. It was BUSY today...the busiest day I have had yet in this new role and I was flying solo. Yeah, I made it. God is great!

The started with a request from the account manager to raise the severity on an EDI issue our customer was having with one of their vendors. That issue is still not solved only because the two possible fixes have as laundry list of pros and cons.

The I got a call about our customer's campus in Virginia. Over the weekend they had a power failure (the building is not governed by us) and bringing it back on line was tricky. I did not have to do anything on that one because 1) It was already being handled, 2) the ticket was a info. That did not mean I was off the hook. There was still research to be done before I could turn it away.

Next, our help desk had a problem with some fancy e-mail to trouble ticket script that was failing. Since this did not affect our customer, I was told to leave it alone. I called the tech anyway just so he knew about it.

Then around lunch time we had six customers call in swearing that an app on a US server was not allowing them to log in, but he same app in Europe worked just fine. So I called the on call tech for that and about an hour later he found the only problem was the accounts for these six poeple were locked out. I guess the help desk did not think to unlock them. Sigh. I guess I should have asked...

The next gem that I was called about really proved to me the help desk does not read the tickets at all. The HD person said a customer has been trying to call the hotline and cannot get through. 1) customers do not call my is internal, and 2) I have been at my desk for 5 hours and have not moved. Had the HD tech read the ticket, they would have seen the "customer" was actually a tech and that they tried to call during the weekend and the oncall guy did not answer (this is a growing trend...) . I told the tech (after researching the ticket) that they needed to call the "customer" and check on the issue and to call me back if things were not up and running.

The last issue (about an hour before I went home) I took a bit of a risk on. A local tech had been called to a remote site to reboot a router, but the ticket was not set as high priority. Now if he got there today, no worries. But if he waits until tomorrow...someone is not going to be happy. I could have called it in as a high severity, but it was near the end of business and it was not a whole site issue...just a wing. I guess I will find out tomorrow if I am in trouble or not.

Well, I got home incident free, grilled chicken (running out of propane in the process), ate, got all my stuff together and still made my meeting...early. After the meeting (which was only two hours long this time), I came home and walked the dogs with my wife. It was hot an humid, but doable.

Well time for bed. I have a long week ahead of me.

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