Friday, August 10, 2007


The work day ended as it began...slow. Nothing of any importance happened (I even told my TL to go home an hour early) and needless to say, I was bored.

I got home and was greeted by The Golden. Dinner had been made and my wife was getting ready to go work out. The fridge was still empty, so she had not been to the store yet. All the clothes had been washed. Doesn't seem like a lot was accomplished. Perception number one.

I ate dinner and thanked my wife for cooking it. She told me that more sides needed to be made to put in the plate lunches she had started. I decided I would cook the sides, but realized I couldn't because we were out of milk. She said she was going to the store after she got done working out. She kissed me goodbye and left.

I started washing dishes (the second time today) and once that was finished, I logged on to check e-mail. When that little task was complete, I went into the living room to veg out in front of the TV.

My wife came home around 8:00 PM from working out and from the store. I unloaded the van (all the groceries, her purse, and her gym bag) while my wife tore into one of the plate dinners that had not been completed yet. Why is she being so selfish? Perception number two.

I put away all the groceries while my wife eats and paces the floor. She puts the half eaten food on the counter with the fork still left in it and slouches in one of the kitchenette chairs. What is wrong with her? Perception number three.

By this time I am not in a great mood, so I grab Little Man and tell him we are going for a walk. "But I was going to walk The Golden", she says.

"Why don't you rest and you can walk her when I get back", I tell her. With that, I leave with Little Man.

I walk a slightly longer route because I need time to think. I had a slow day at work and oddly enough, I am more tired when things are slow than when they are busy. The slow time should be a blessing because next week I am on call and my TL is on vacation. I am going to be busy and I will be needing the time to recharge.

Being tired after a slow day, I really am not in the mood to do much of anything. However, I washed dishes (for a second time), unloaded and put away the groceries. I wife cooked the food and she also cooked the food, so I should help out. Honestly, I do not mind doing my part, but sometimes things just do not work out and my mood allowed me to have perceptions that were not accurate.

I got home and picked up the freebie newspaper from the sidewalk. I let Little Man in and then my my wife asked me to let The Golden out. "You are not going to walk her?" I said.

"No, I do not feel like it now." she replied.


I let The Golden out to do her business in the yard and I let her back in. I grab the store receipt from the counter and fire up the PC so I can enter the receipt into my finance program. I download the stock prices and mark the cleared transactions before I turn run the TV tuner program on the PC to see what is on. Nothing I want to see is on, but there is a boxing match on Versus. Some 6 foot 6 inch guy is having his way with his opponent who is 45 pounds lighter than he is. Not much of a looks more like sparring instead of an actual match.

Around 9:00 Pm I get tired of the nothingness on TV so I shut the thing down and go brush my teeth. As I am brushing, I feel my eyes getting heavy (long slow days will do that to me...) so after I am finished, I climb into bed. I am asleep in minutes.

I wake up the next morning sleepy, but feeling pretty good. I complete my ritual and leave the house at 7:00 AM...just in time to miss the crush of cars on the road outside my development. The drive is uneventful and I am at work by 7:30 AM.

My TL states the night was quiet, but my e-mail indicates a different story. A lot has happened overnight and it looks like we were not involved. That might come back to haunt us at some point.

I brought my bible so I could work on my Sunday school lesson if it becomes slow during the afternoon, like it was yesterday. I am not sure I could deal with the slowness we had yesterday.

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