Thursday, August 09, 2007

Busy Bee

I check my blog web logs every now and them just to see if anyone new is reading and to see what web searches bring people to my blog. In the past, the most popular searches leading people to this site centered on sciatica, the mattress my wife and bought from Ikea (Sultan Evje), or the con artist that I met a few years ago. When I started posting my adventures with the Scamette (by the way, she has not written in a few days...I think she finally got the hint...), incuding her e-mail and IP addresses, traffic on my web site went way up. It seems that my Scamette is a popular search engine topic...and all those people end up at my blog looking for info.

And it is not just Americans searching on her...I have had hits from Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Germany, and Sweden. Obviously our Scamette has been busy. I wonder how many people she has been able to successfully con?

I have received a couple of e-mails from people asking me how I found out all this info on Scamette. It is pretty easy...thanks to Google. IP addresses and e-mail addresses are sometimes quite easy to track. One person informed me that they gave the scammer their home phone number. Very. Bad. Move. With your number, they can find out quite a bit about you. Even changing you number right now won't help much.

The same person asked how they could get the scammer to stop contacting them. Well, do not answer any moer e-mails and put up a spam filter to weed out her messages. You could change e-mail account, but that can be a pain. I wish them the best on this.

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