Friday, August 17, 2007

Oddly Quiet, Then A Storm

The phone did not ring at all yesterday. It was an nice change of pace from the previous 3 days and I savored the time, knowing it could be very short lived.

I got home and set up my laptop to handle any issues that might come up during the evening, but I was pleasantly surprised that nothing did. I was able to read and surf the web a bit before I went to bed.

By the way, my headache subsided a great deal yesterday. I took two sinus headache pills and I felt much better. By the time I had gone to bed, I was pain free.

We got a small storm last night that gave us some much needed rain. It has been 2-3 weeks since our last precipitation and it is always nice when God provides the water instead of the city.

I was woken up one with a phone call, but it was an FYI call from Malaysia to inform me they were having network issues and were unable to work for a couple of hours. It did not affect me or my customers so it meant little.

I got up feeling groggy, but eventually I got my act together. I left home and got to work and noticed nothing was waiting for me, so I just went ahead and did my Sunday School lesson while it was slow. I caught up on e-mail and news and then went to lunch. While I was eating I got a call requesting me to handle a case so I put my food aside (I have to eat at my desk when I am running solo) and started working on it. I got a second call while I was still working on the first, but took it as well. While I was on that call, a third call came in. It was a manager (from the customer side) asking me to look into the issue that the first call was about. I told her that I was on it. The phone rang for a fourth time in 15 minutes. It was the same manager telling me about the second issue I had a call on. That call was appreciated because it had info that I needed.

After all that, I called the techs responsible for the apps and they started working on them. One of the cases may be resolved quickly, but the other is going to linger. This particular app never gets a quick resolution because it has so many failure points. I sent an e-mail to the Incident Manager who is on call this weekend, just in case the issues are not resolved by tomorrow morning at handover time.

Right now I play the waiting game and update the customer as we get updates from the tech. If I do not get updates from the techs, I get to call and harass them. I like that part of the job :) .

All things going well, I will go to the men's breakfast tomorrow morning, mow grass, and clean house. Of course all the rain predicted means mowing is not likely, even though I really need to.

Oh well.

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