Thursday, November 01, 2007


Yesterday was busy, but not in a very bad way. We had a lot of calls but only one issue that we had to formalize. My TL stayed 30 minutes over to insure things went smoothly.

At lunch I was able to snag two caches in a nearby park. These were quick and well thought out...just the way caches should be. I still prefer fewer quality caches than mass amounts of poorly done ones.

I got home and found my wife working on several things at once but dinner was not one of them. Now don't get e wrong, I don't expect a home cooked meal every night but if you PLAN on cooking then stop early enough to get it started...not when it is time for you hubby to be home. Since I was hungry and did not want to wait, I just picked up some take out and came home to enjoy it with my wife. Having a little cash from my side job helps.

My wife spent the evening grooming the dogs and bathing one of them (Little Man) and I walked him before the kids hit the street begging for candy. Little Man does not like trick or treaters.

About 10 PM or so I noticed a lot of flashing lights on our street. A fire/rescue truck, and EMT, and 2 police cars pulled up in front of the house diagonally across the street from us. They were there 20 minutes or so then left, so I a guess it was nothing too serious.

I go on call tonight for the the guy in Mexico. It should be okay, but I am expecting to be busy. I have the city council meeting tonight so I am not sure if I will be able to stay for it all or not. So far I have not been able to hang in there the entire time when I am on call. Maybe this time will be different.

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