Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Repeat Of Last Week?

At least I am not on call! This week has been busy and it is only Wednesday morning...I can imagine what the rest of the week will be like. We have been averaging three incidents a day for the past couple of weeks when we normally have 1-2. These have been longer and harder to deal with and being on call for them is no fun.

I voted yesterday morning and it was quick and painless, unless you count the fact I had forgotten which poll we voted at. Once that was done, I was able to get to work on time. I let my TL go early so he could vote on the way home and he seemed to appreciate it.

Yesterday I nabbed to caches that made me that had eluding me for weeks and the other was my first multi part cache. Multi-part caches give you coords to one area and then you must find the coords to the second area. I was blessed in that the coords were not very far away from each other...just across the street to be exact.

Last night I had a one on one session with "Larry", my student in "One on One Discipling". We had not met in almost eight months I was worried he had given up. While he was late, he has not given up. I am happy he takes his walk with Christ seriously.

This morning I had my dentist appointment, so I skipped my normal morning coffee. the visit took all of 26 minutes to check int, get my teeth cleaned and examined, and check out. I like that !

On the way to work I stopped off to grab the last of the TMNT caches hidden by the "Garland Goonies". I found three of them very quickly but had trouble with the other two. Today I close that chapter in my geocaching book.

Not sure which one I will go after today. I need to research a bit.

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