Friday, November 30, 2007

Nervous Star, Nervous Ending

When I got to work yesterday, the phone rang moments after I removed the forwarding to the on-call guy. It turned out to be my TL. he was feeling a bit run down and under the weather, so he decided to stay home. He apologized profusely for "leaving me hanging" but I told him not to worry. I knew things would be okay...busy or not.

About an hour after that I got a call regarding one of the extranet servers so I reacted quickly to get the right people involved. It did not take too long to get resolved and for that I was thankful.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet. While I was not able to enjoy my lunch away from my desk and I had to work over an hour, it still was not too bad. My only scare came at 4:45 PM when our hotline rang (we close up shop at 5:00 PM). I realized it was not a trouble call since it came from an internal extension. It turned out to be one of the LAN guys asking for the on-call number of one of the teams in Europe. He had a management server that was down and needed help. It was not a customer facing issue, so I was not needed, but he needed the number nonetheless.

After that info was given, I was able to forward the phones to the on-call guy and head home. When I got there, my dogs (who had been in crates all day) were very happy to see me. I let them out, fed and watered them and they were very happy.

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