Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Burst in BLog Traffic

I was checking my web logs the the other day and noticed a huge increase in traffic (about 40 hit) early in the week. I did some digging and noticed it was all regarding Ron Arlt, the person accused of conning more than one person...a few of them women with romantic ties to him.

The traffic came mostly from one person, the first one to publicly blog about it. (IIRC). She had left a comment on my blog stating that she was surprised there was still that much interest in him. Well dear, if he is still conning people, there still will be interest. Besides, we know he is narcissistic, so how do we know that he is not driving up my hits? Hmmmmmmm?

Work went well yesterday. I had a call on the way in, but it was nothing to really worry about. We only had one other issue to work on and it was resolved just after the clsoe of business. so I was minimally impacted.

The rest of the evening was ho-hum...just a little TV then I hit the sack pretty early...10:00 PM or so.

Oh, I did manage to get a cute "frog themed" cache at lunchtime yesterday. It is harder to get them at lunch because I have gotten most of the ones in the immediate area that you can get without being noticed. If I travel too much further out, I w will not have time to get there, search for the cache, get back and eat. I think there are less than a dozen that I can still nab at lunch in this area and most of those are good hides or they are in a highly visible spot. Oh well.

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