Thursday, November 08, 2007

Maybe I Spoke Too Soon

Yesterday at lunch I decided to go to the Army-Navy Store to see what goodies they had that a new geocacher like myself could use. While the store was full of hiking, camping, military, and law enforcement gear, it all was a bit expensive. I opted for a roll of olive drab duct tape to help hide my caches.

While at the store, I stopped by and grabbed two caches. One was right out side the store across the street near a small park and was similar to one that gave me fits before, so I knew what to look for. While I was looking at it, an old woman cam walking by mumbling. I normall would not have paid much attention to her but she was wearing (and I am not kidding folks) A TIN FOIL HAT. My only guess was that she thought my GPSr was reading her mind. Scary.

Since I had 30 minutes left to kill from my lunch, I decided to drive by and see if I could find he puzzle cache I solved a few weeks ago. it did not take me long to locate, sign, and return the cache. Once back into my GeoDakota it was a short 5 minute drive back to the office. Not bad for 45 minutes or so.

The afternoon was quiet. No calls and no issues to deal with. This was a welcome change from the previous days work. I looked and it had been just about two weeks since we last had a free day from issues. I guess I will enjoy it while I can.

I got home with a bit of a headache (tension) and my mouth was sore from the recent hot dog burn (by the way, 1 minute is too long for two wieners in the microwave. I just thought I would share that) so talking and eating was (and still is) painful. I was not sure I wanted to go to care group, but I decided that I needed to go. We had three visitors join us and it really was nice to have them. We spent too much time on some missions stuff and that left very little time for prayer, so we had to cut things short to allow a few of the more senior members to go home on time.

We got home and took care of the dogs before we went to sleep.

I got up felling better than I did the night before but still kinda rough. I walked Little Man and let The Golden out to pee before feeding them. In the process I dropped The Golden's ceramic dog food bowl (it was full of food by the way), breaking it and sending the dog and the food flying. Of course the first thing out of my mouth was "son of a b@tch!", which was not what a Christian should be saying...ever. Oddly enough I did not even realize it until my wife brought it to my attention. I really need to pray more that God will remove those words and thoughts from my mind. I feel horrible when it happens and I know it disappoints my wife.

Thankfully, the rest of my prep to go to work was uneventful!

Since the morning started off on the wrong foot, I stopped grabbed a cache on my way to work. It was only about 300 feet out of my way on an overlook of Plano. I am surprised I have never noticed this before. There is a nature preserve near by that is supposed to have two more caches hidden, but these will be park and grabs like many others in the area.

Well, I guess I will get back to monitoring things.

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