Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cold Blast

All you people in the northern regions...try not to laugh.

It got a bit chilly last night. At lunch I was sweating as I was searching for a couple of geocaches but by dinner time, the wind was blowing and it was a lot colder. When I woke up this morning and got ready to walk "Little Man", it was in the upper 30's...the coldest yet. Now do not get me wrong, it is still warm here in Texas (it is about 60 right now) but the cold snap came on very sudden.

Work so far has been pretty light. Nothing much was going on before lunch so I had no problems leaving to grab a cache during my lunch hour. I debated which one to try so I went back to one of the ones I struck out on yesterday (in one of the green belts in Richardson) and hit pay dirt, although it took me 30 minutes or so to do find it. It was camo'ed pretty well and I am sure a passerby will not find it too easily. It was not on the side of the belt I thought it was on which is why it took me so long to find it.

I came back and ate my lasagna and let my TL go on his lunch break. I chatted with a couple of people regarding the situation here at work and we all agree things are not looking too bright for us, but at least we are still employed.

I do not have any plans tonight so I am not sure what the evening will bring. Maybe I will hit a cache on the way home...there are a couple that I have not gotten yet but I am not sure how easily I can grab them as I drive home.

We shall see.

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