Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cry Hovok And Let Loose The Dogs Of War

It has been a very busy past two days here at work. The third party (normally is our competitor) who upgraded our customer's SAP instance has been frantically working to patch an ever growing number of issues that has cropped up after the "upgrade". Not that we could have done much better. This systems is so customized that I would not want to support it.

With all the issues they are patching, we are required to coordinate the communications. Normally this is not too much for two 40 something year old guys to handle, but since we have had 3-5 new issues per day (we currently have 3 open for our region alone) it is getting to be a bit much. At least neither of us is on call this week, although my colleague is on call the next and I go on the week after that.

I have not gone out to do any geocaching since Friday so since the weather was nicer today, I nabbed a couple P-n-G's (Park-n-Grabs) during lunch. I was pleased and embarrased that I was able to get both of them as soon as I walked up to GZ (ground zero). I am beginning to get an eye for the urban caches. I still have trouble with the ones out in the wild. I think the reason for that is because some of the ones in the rough are placed by urban cachers and they "over hide" the caches. That is must my humble opinion.

The weather is looking up the rest of this week...at least until Saturday. It is suppossed to rain again and that means no caching for me if it does. Oh well.

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