Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tag, You're It.

Statcounter has introduced a new feature for the people that use their service called IP Tagging. What it allows you to do is to name certain IP addresses (or ranges) with a "tag" that makes sense. For example, I can tag Landsharks IP address range with "Landshark" so when he visits my page, I will know it without digging into the log file too deeply. The features is meant to save time for those of us who like to see who is viewing our blogs. I have a few of those tags set up for the people who visit my page regularly, mainly Knightmare, Rycherox, and Landshark. While I know there are a few other regular readers of my blog, I do not know who they are, only where they are coming from. I am reasonably sure they are "regular" readers since they did not get to my page via a search (like most people do) and the logs show it was bookmarked or typed directly in the address bar.

I like looking at the logs mainly to see how many people are finding my page...not the numbers but the diverse locations as well. I get a lot of hits from the Middle East and China...mostly from obscure searches on old subjects. It is funny when I see hits from government organizations or major company intranets. Someday I am going to have to compile a list of all the odd ones I have seen.

Well, I am off to a 10:00 AM meeting regarding the account I work on. It should be entertaining.

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