Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tuesday Update

Well, the first half of my day went well. It could have been worse but it could have been better. The first meeting was nothing other than normal and the second (the one I dreaded) went rather smoothly. There were some sarcastic comments from our customer, but no worries. Water off a duck's back.

My wife cooked last night since I was out repairing PC's. She told me this morning that she did not think the meatloaf turned out well, but I say "Hogwash!"...it tasted very good. It may have not been spicy, but it was a lot better than frozen food. I had to call her up to tell her that I thought it tasted very good and that I was proud that she cooked for me.

I have noticed several hits lately from China. Not knowing the geography there, I cannot say if the same people are checking from home and work or if is more than one person. Nonetheless, welcome readers from China. If you are native Chinese, do not judge all American's by my words...I am not very average. If you are on contract to China, then I hope you enjoy this American's PoV (point of view).

I got an e-mail from the company I applied to...it seems they have filled the job internally. I expected this since I was not versed in the finance industry (that was a requirement) but A geek can always dream. When I called my wife and told her, she asked me how I was doing. She knew that I was disappointed, but I am not mad or bitter. Everyone belongs someplace...I just have not found where I belong yet. I guess I can always fantasize about that dream job with a Christian company paying well with fantastic benefits. Best of both worlds...

The rest of my afternoon looks rather mild. PL from work loaned me his PSU tester so I can see if the PS in the emachines PC I was given is actually fried or not. I had considered moving all my parts into that case since I like the look of it better, but I do not think my add-ons will look good in it.

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