Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Relapse and What I Am Reading

As predicted, the rest of my workday was non-eventful. My wife called to ask me what I wanted to do for dinner and i gave her my answer...she did not approve. I told her to chew on it (no pun intended) for a while and call me back.

I got home and took care of doggie and mail collection duties (refund from Viewsonic - $30 - dinner!) then to the PSU tester to my SOHO to test the "dead" PC my wifes boss dropped off. Verdict? PSU is fine...I poked and prodded and found a lose connection and low and behold, "IT'S ALIVE!". About that time my wife came home...odd she was going to call. I greeted her in a husbandly manner and asked what was up. She could not make up her mind so we went to CiCi's Pizza. Cheap, moderately good pizza. The one where we live is like a scaled down Chuck E. Cheese (READ: Lots of kids and noisy games) but it has TV and the food is better than McD's.

We ate and chatted for about an hour and we went home. I washed a few dishes and then let the dogs out to do their thing before I settled down to watch the epi of 24 I taped the night before. After watching a darn good episode, I realized I had time to walk Little Man before Law and Order came on. It was going to be a TV oddity in our house.

After a brisk but brief walk, the dog and I returned just in time to sit down and watch L&O. Just as the teaser is playng, the cell phone rings. Since I am tied to it for work, I answer it. It is one of the kids from church...the family I did PC work for just the other day. It seems the virii and the spy ware is back. He wanted to know what he could do. We discussed options and he hung up. Then my BiC called bit since I knew it was him and it was not important, I sent it to VM. Then the kid called back asking for more info. So I chatted a bit more with him and he said he can take care of the issue. Then the BiC called back. Still guessing that this is not an emergency (no messages were left the first time he called), I sent it to VM. Still no message.

About 10 PM, just as the second L&O is ending, the phone rings again..this time a long distance number I do not recognize...It is our soldier in Kuwait. I spend the next 20-30 minutes talking to him and I then I give the phone to my wife. He sometimes gets cut off and I wanted him to at least say hi to her.

I went into the bedroom, changed into PJ's and brushed my teeth, waiting on my wife to finish...I fell asleep and did not wake up until this morning. My wife and I chatted about her conversation and I got ready for work.

Nothing new at work..same old, same old. A report here, an e-mail as usual.

I then got the bright idea of calling the guy I did the work for to tell him what had happened. Since he paid me to work on the PC, I did not want any hard feelings. He told me I earned the money and he was thinking of getting a new PC any way. I told him that getting a new PC was overkill, what he needed to do was wipe and reinstall and give the troublemaker son his own junker to use. He seemed to like that idea and told me he would get back to me soon. I hope he heeds my advice.

I have been reading a blog for the past few months ( SigSpace ) that has made me think a lot about my own son and what he/we will face when he gets back from the Middle East. While Sig and I do not have a lot in common, I can understand him pretty well. His points are pretty clear, even to a civy like me. I admire and respect the things he has chosen to do. His dedication to his wife should be commended.


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