Monday, February 19, 2007

Pet Peave Rant and "Way To Go Genius"

I try not to harp on the little things in life. I have learned to let them slide most of the time, but sometimes they pile up and you just need to vent. Today is one of those days.

Yesterday there was enough milk for my wife and I each to have a glass. She drinks about 2 to 3 times more milk than I do, so I kind of expect her to keep tabs on it. Yesterday evening, right before bed, my wife tells me we do not have any milk. I was not going to get dressed to go to the store and get it that moment, but I decided that I could get some the next morning. When I got up this morning, I did my normal routine and settled in with my coffee (to wake up) and check my e-mail. After I was done with that I grabbed my bible and read the scripture for today (Lev. 19-21) then hopped into the shower. After getting out and getting dressed, I had exactly 30 minutes to eat and take out the trash and recycleables, and wash the dishes from the night before. That is when I realized that we did not have any milk. No biggie...I can eat almost anything so I had some yogurt, a granola bar, and a banana. My wife then says, "Oh, we are out of milk." Yeah, realized that, but I do not have the time to get she gets dressed to get it herself. Will she be a bit ill at me for not doing it? Maybe. Could I have gotten it? Maybe, but that would mean getting to work later (I still had to stop and get gasoline...I was on vapors). Was it poor planning? Yes, but I am not going to get upset about it.

The next pet peave has to do with garbage. I take out the garbage most of the time. I like to wait until the bag is full so we do not waste them. My wife's rule of thumb is to take it out if it has something smelly in it. Well, she started putting the smelly stuff (meat trimmings, onions, etc) in a small plastic grocery bag and putting it outside in the garage so the next person who leaves can take it to the can. Yesterday, I was putting something (coffee grinds maybe) in the kitchen can and my wife tells me to put in the bag in the garage. I told her that I did not know there was one out there and she said something about being tired of the garbage smelling up the house. Well, if that is such a big worry, then why do we have trash cans in almost every room? I have one in my office (which never gets used) one in our bathroom and one in our bedroom (they are only 5 ft apart). I think it is a waste of time but my wife is as adamant about that as I used to be with clocks. Back in my overly obsessive-compulsive days, I had a clock in every room. Now, I try to not put up clocks. I have cell phone, the VCR has one, the PC has one...heck we have THREE in the small kitchen we have (the stove, microwave, and a wall clock). Not my idea, but that is the way it is.

One more...recycling. I think recycling is a great idea, but it can be a bit of a hassle. The community we live in offers curbside recycling and they have strict , but well defined rules on why can and cannot be recycled with them. My wife really has been a great proponent of this and has kept us with a full bin (it is the same size as our garbage can, 55 gallons) all the time. As a matter of fact, our bin (which is picked up every other week) is half full the first week and we only have 2 bags of garbage during that time) and it is packed by week 2. Sounds goof, right? Well, we have the habit of rinsing the recycleable products and putting them in the garage along the wall so the next person leaving can take them to the recycle bin. That is not a bad thing but by the time someone leaves, there is usually a nice pile to take out to the bin. Trying to take care of that carrying my PC bag and lunch (I tend to collect the stuff on my way to work), squeeze past her van )we have her van and my truck in the 2 car is tight) without dropping anything is difficult. I have suggested a couple of things but my wife is not keen on them. I asked her if we could put the big bin on the patio so all we had to do was open the patio door and put it in, but she did not like that idea. Since she was big into putting the stuff in the garage for the next person to take out I suggested hanging a bag on the wall in the garage to put the stuff in and take it to the bin a few times a week. I know it adds a bit more clutter, but I thought it might be safer. She liked the idea, but she does not remember to use it and things still end up on the floor in the garage. Once in a while (actually she is getting better at this) she will put all the stuff in a plastic grocery bag and that is pretty easy to deal with, but she does not do it all the time.

She still likes to activate my OCD by leaving the drawers to the dresser, chest of drawers, or the cabinets open just a n inch or two instead of shutting them all the way. She also does this with closet doors...she knows how this bugs me. Doors are either open or closed...there is no in between. I hate doors in my home that are ajar. I guess we all have our OC issues. Mine are just a bit more pronounced at home :)

Mind you these are just pet peaves. I love my wife more than anything and she really is not trying to be ugly about it. I am sure she has a much longer laundry list of things that I do that irk her than what she does that irks me.

I got to work today and realized (after I got here) that it was a company holiday. Well, going right back home would be stupid, so I decided I would stay at work for half a day and if all was clear, I would go home. Our customer does not have the day as a holiday in the US, but there are other holidays worldwide that are being observed, so I doubt it will be busy. I think I have few little things I can do outside today as long I have some sunlight to do them. The weeds are starting to spring up and I want to keep them under control as much as possible.

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