Saturday, February 24, 2007

In The Wind

Today has been...interesting. As previously stated, the Golden came home from the surgery center today so we have been "keeping the patient comfortable" which as anyone will tell you will aid in healing. She started off very sluggish but as the day went on, she was less likely to sit still. She has been trying her hardest to walk around the house and stopping a 75 lb Golden Retriever that has frolicking on her mind is a tad tough. At least my bad is not as sore as I thought it would be. Aleve is a Godsend.

If you have not heard, the north central Texas region has been under a wind advisory all day long. Winds have been blowing all day at 30 mph and gusting to over 50 mph. The wind was bad enough that it blew over the steeple on the church. The pastor and I (with the aid of a couple others) managed to secure it as best as we can, but it will need replaced. Word to the wise...climbing on a metal roof when it is windy out is a dangerous thing to do. No, no one was hurt, but it was a bit exciting. I got a small cut from the sheet metal but it does not need stitches.

My wife and I just got done watching "Facing the Giants". It is a good story that enforces that we need to let go and let God. My only gripe was the acting. for a low budget film all the other aspects of it (sound, cinematography, art, costumes, etc were all great. You could tell that the actors we not "A" grade, but that was my only gripe...that and the ending was rather predictable from about the last 30 minutes or so.

After the movie I walked little man while my wife worked with her patient, the Golden. As I was walking I saw evidence of a lot of wind damage: torn shingles in yards, downed fences, and garbage in the road blowing around from turned over trash cans. I surveyed our place as best as I could but I did not find much (if any) in the way of wind damage. Thank you, Jesus. We cannot afford any more big bills until the $6,000 dog is paid off :) ... knee surgery (x2) is expensive.

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